Our Veterinary Partners

Harlan, IA

Dr. Matt Sternberg and his staff of angels!

Dr. Sternberg and his staff at HVA are always on the ready to help us when the need is there.  They support TNR and honestly try to help us in any and every way possible.  We thank them for putting up with our last minute surgeries and emergencies as needed.  If you are looking for a local vet to help you with your small animal needs, please check them out!

Dr. Joyce and his team at Hilltop Animal Hospital joined our effort in 2015 and we are so grateful!   Having a clinic a little further south is helping us help more.  We thank them for their flexibility and their wonderful attitude towards our mission!

SOS Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic

Part of the Ne Humane Society, we use SOS when we have a trapping closer to Omaha.
SOS is available to all pet owners to receive their spa treatment as well and we highly reccommend them as a low cost resource!  Other pet medical services are not available here...just spay/neuter and vaccinations.