This time its a boy!!! We named this one Tony...again after an NCIS character...Love NCIS!!! This little guy was in our new trap before I could out of the yard! Success!!! I took him right over to the vet and stayed for the surgery! I got observe, which I have always wanted to do.
Tony did great during surgery and is now resting comfortabley in my cottage. I will watch him til maybe dusk and then let him go back to his home. He seems to be doing well. A beauty!!!
Thank you for all your donations that have made this possible for Tony. Without you, he would be left to father many kittens, and go unvaccinated...our vets also treat for ear mites and deworm our kitties. Please consider making us a regular drop off point for your charity dollars. We have a long road ahead of us to get Walnut's problem under control. You can "chip-in" at the top of this page...its easy and 100% goes to helping kitties like Tony.