Attack with a vengance!

What do you mean it isnt "done" ?

Free with $10/$15 donation to Take Pitty on the Kitties!
Ok, this little catnip toy isnt done, but as you can see, Ricky cant leave it alone already. I had several other pics, but the cats were a blurrrrrrr of movement trying to play with this already. I think it will be popular! It is made of recyled wool, some embroidery and filled with fabric scraps and catnip from my own garden! Even cat toys 'Go Green' !
My idea is to offer one to anyone in the US who donates at least $10.00 (includes shipping). If you are out of the US..minimum donation is $15. Every one will be a little different and I have an idea to make "heads"....cats always leave the heads for last. Watch for more pics.
Help us help our out door friends.
Our weather has been really cold, sub zero and I worry so much about the kitties I see outside. Its really hard to find a place in the snow and cold to put the live trap, where they will go to it and where I can moniter it. With wind chills at 40 below, Im having a hard time getting what I want to do done.
So for now, I am just feeding them. I purchased two big bags of food, one from Aldi. As the cashier was lifting it to skan it, the bottom broke open and cat food splayed everywhere. Of course I bought a different bag....BUT I asked the manager if I could purchase the broken bag for a lesser cost and she said NO. The company will not allow broken pet food to be sold or given away. I explained our project to no avail....the same thing happened at Target and Petco. Now, that seems totally stupid to me. They will throw away good food that could go to a good use. Dumb! I will be writing inquiring letters to these companies and more.
A Little Did Ya Know About Cats!
We all know the appeal of catnip to our feline family members! Catnip is a perennial herb belonging to the mint family. Catnip contains a naturally occurring compound found in fragrant plants and essential oils. It is neither toxic or addictive, and its greatest effect is on cats of reproductive age, rather than the very young or the very old. Catnip is easy to grow, but be careful, it can be quite invasive! MEOW!